Browse through the list of LOKTAA Collections from beautiful florals to cute animal themes for the little ones.

Journals | Notebooks | Gift Wraps | Cards | Gift Sets
A collection of beautiful gold print against our natural LOKTAA paper. Available as Gift Wraps, Journals & Notebooks

Journals | Notebooks
'Katha' is a Nepali word that means Story. And this set of journals and notebooks are for writing your own story - your Katha. Organise your story into things to remember/cherish/love, things you want to achieve/your goals, things to be grateful for and ideas/dreams your want to capture. Or house them all into one single journal, aptly titled 'the everything journal'. Available as Journals & Notebooks

Available as hardcover journals. Features solid colours of ash grey and cocoa with a very soft design of poppies on the cover. This is one for the keeps.

Journals | Notebooks | Gift Wraps | Cards
The forest vibe in this collection in hues of green & blue reminds us of the beautiful Nagarjun forest in Nepal. Available as Gift Wraps, Journals & Notebooks

Notebooks | Gift Wraps | Cards
Keep it clean and classy by choosing this beautiful botanical range. Available as Gift Wraps, Notebooks & Cards.

Journals | Notebooks | Gift Wraps
Natural Petals
Keeping it raw to the core with natural petals infused on to the paper. Available as Gift Wraps & Journals.

Journals | Notebooks | Gift Wraps | Cards
Flower Power
This is one for all seasons - floral designs that will always be stay pretty. Available as Gift Wraps, Journals, Notebooks & Cards.

Notebooks | Gift Wraps | Gift Bags | Cards
Sweet Love
Cute & Quirky - There is no better way to show your love than this! Available as Gift Wraps, Gift Bags, Notebooks & Cards.

Gift Wraps | Gift Bags | Cards
Wild Ones
This set of animal theme designs is for the little ones that are wild at heart. Available as Gift Wraps & Gift Bags.

Gift Wraps | Gift Bags
Foodie Affair
This set of food theme designs is one for the foodie. Pizza, donut, cupcake and ice-cream is our top pick for indulgence. Available as Gift Wraps & Gift Bags.